Having trouble staying motivated with your studies?
Did you make resolutions to "catch up" or "get ahead" during the recent semester break and it just hasn't happened? Are you feeling like you haven't had a real break and now there are heaps more assignments to hand in and lectures and tutorials to attend? Perhaps you can't quite remember why you thought that doing a degree was a good idea in the first place or are wondering how you are going to keep hanging in there.
If you're still reading this column there's a good chance that you're serious about getting a degree. Remember that you wouldn't have been offered a place at university if we didn't believe that you have what it takes. Motivation requires a goal and maybe one of these suggestions could be useful.
- Think about things which motivate you and acknowledge that this changes over time. If you need small rewards or someone to take an interest in your journey, try to put some external motivators in place. Offer to help someone in the same predicament in exchange for them helping you.
- Stop talking down your achievements. You may be really, really good at being your harshest critic but would you try to motivate anyone with the thoughts you are telling yourself? Of course not. Try self-encouragement instead of self-condemnation.
- Discover your "peak times". Don't expect to begin the hardest tasks at those times of the day you feel least motivated. Be aware when you feel most alert and save the more mundane tasks for your sluggish periods...everyone has them!
- Recognise your self-defeating behaviour. How realistic are those excuses? Use some of that procrastinating activity as a warm-up to settling down to study. That way, you are still in control.
- When you feel tired or physically unwell, motivation flies out the window. Be sure to look after yourself by eating healthily, exercising, getting enough sleep and taking time to relax.
- Motivation is specific to a goal and a time frame. The work will have to be done at some point if you're going to complete your course. (There may be things going on in your life which make you doubt whether this is the right time for you to pursue study. There's no shame in deferring your study if you believe it's the right decision for you.) (not applicable!)
Taken from: My Uni's Newsletter! =]
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