Saturday, 9 May 2009

When I die, will you…

When I die, will you pledge to:

  1. Donate $1 each to: an education institution, NGOs whose programmes are to help children or youth (eg Singapore Children's Society), youth (eg Teen Challenge), elderly (eg B.Well), health (eg NKF), environment (eg Nature Society Singapore) and general (eg World Vision)? (so you shd donate in total $7! =p lol.)
  2. Be a volunteer for a day at any NGOs?
  3. Minimise your electricity consumption for a day (meaning like don't hibernate your computer, switch it off when u don't use it)?
  4. Last but no least, DON'T cry or feel sad if u are attending my funeral (better still, SMILe and happily send me off or even LAUGH when u think that "Thank heaven thank earth that Sebastz FINALLY die! =p lol.)

Will you will you?!?! PLEASE!!!! I will be able to close my eyes properly if you do! =]

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